Apple Crêpes

Apfel Crêpes
  • Zutaten

130 g flour
50 g powder sugar
1 organic lemon peel
2 eggs
1/8 l cream
1/8 l milk or mineral water
pinch salt
butter or butter-oil mixture to fry

Apple filling:
500 g sourish apples
80 g caster sugar
1/2 cup white wine
60 g butter to fry
caster sugar to sprinkle

  • Zubereitung

Mix milk or mineral water, flour, powder sugar, pinch salt, lemon peel, eggs and cream to combine. Take a non-stick skillet, add a tiny piece of butter, heat it and then pour batter into the pan, twirling around it a bit. The pan base should be covered with the batter although it should be as thin as possible. When the crêpe cooks, it changes its appearance. The batter on the left looks moister and hasn't set yet. On the right side the batter has set. It is still a bit moist. You can flip the crêpe over by slipping the spatula under the crêpe and finish cooking after 15 seconds.
Aplle filling: Peel apples, remove core, dice into small cubes, add raisins and sugar and braise in white wine unitl liquid has boiled away. Spoon filling onto the crêpes and roll in. Sprinkle with caster sugar, if desired.
Tip: Fill them with jam, in restaurants crêpes are flambéed with brandy in front of the guests.

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