Jacket Potates Stuffed With Chanterelles

Ofenerdäpfel mit Eierschwammerlfülle
Jacket Potates Stuffed With Chanterelles
Foto: WikimediaImages / pixabay.com
  • Zutaten

4 large potatoes
500 g chanterelles
1/2 onion
2 garlic cloves
1 tablespoon oil
50 g butter
70 ml white wine
70 ml whipping cream
150 g sour cream
1 tablespoon flour
1 teaspoon 4 große Erdäpfel
500 g Eierschwammerl
1/2 Zwiebel
2 Knoblauchzehen
1 EL Öl
50 g Butter
70 ml Weißwein
70 ml Schlagobers
150 g Sauerrahm
1 EL glattes Mehl
1 teaspoon lovage
2 tablespoons whipping cream
salt, pepper
  • Zubereitung

Wash potatoes, wrap in aluminium foil and bake in preheated oven at 180° C for about 50 minutes.
Clean chanterelles (do not wash them), dice onion and garlic into small cubes. Heat oil in a pan, sweat onion and garlic, sear, add salt, pepper and garlic. Pour over wine and cook for some minutes. Add whipping cream and cook for another minute. Mix sour cream with flour until smooth and add to the sauce. Add finely chopped lovage and simmer for 2 minutes.
Cut a lenghtwise slice from the top of each potatoes, scoop out some of the pulp and fill in chanterelles, serve quickly.

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