Braised Beef with Vegetables Strips

Gedünsteter Rindsbraten mit Gemüse gespickt
Braised Beef with Vegetables Strips
Foto: Hartmut910 / PIXELIO
  • Zutaten

800 g beef (shoulder, topside)
200 g carrots, leek, beetroots)
50 g onions
mirepoix(carrots, celery, parsley roots)
3 tablespoons oil
1 tabelspoon flour
tomato paste
4 tablespoons sour cream
some soup or water
salt, pepper
black pepper berries, bay leave
sprig thyme
  • Zubereitung

Cut vegetables into strips and with a larding needle push the vegetables strips into the meat so that they stick in the meat. Season with salt and pepper. Heat oil and sear meat, remove from the pan. Coarsely chop onion and mirepoix, add and roast in the pan drippings until brown, add some tomato paste, stir and continue to roast. Pour over soup or water and bring to a boil. Now add meat and other seasonings, cover and braise in the oven at 200° C. After 1.5 - 2 hours take out meat, combine sour cream and a little flour, add to the sauce, stir and simmer. Strain the sauce and serve.

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